May 21, 2009

happy birthday pal

May 18th..was my BFF birthday...but we're live on a different city, beside i have innumerable assignment!(crap!)
so then, i can't come to her birthday surprise(hiks)
i text her 20 poems and through facebook 20 poems too..hahaa
(i realized it later that it became 40!woops)hehee..i should've sent her 10-10 :p

i made this special birthday card (well.kinda) hehee...
then i change it into purple colour. cause she's purple lovers, purple addict, purple ranger(the one and only purple ranger :p)hope she'll like it...hehee

here's the birthday girrrrlll..

Happy Birthday from the heart, Cause that's where all great wishes start


May 18, 2009

drizzle breezle

new flarey formula. for real!
morning class + boring class + drizzle + opened window next to you = sleeeeppppy

i woke up at 1 am, since i'm a procrastinator (hehee..) so i slept and get up earlier, then workin' on my taskS. at 6 am, i'm prepared myself to go to campus, did my daily ritual after shower (standing in front of my wardrobe thinking what to wear :p) which was bad sometimes if i woke up late, cause it takes more time to think sometimes

what to wear today: so, i finally pick out this outfit, my old black jacket, t-shirt, skinny jeans, with Nike classic sneakers and i'm wearing it with my New 'pink' necklace that i bought it from my friend

a cute handmade necklace!

so then, i felt morning breeze with a morning smile . it was so fresh at first until it started to drizzle and i sat next to an opened window. the air was soooo breeezin'.SNAP!
i suddenly love my jacket. truly madly! cause it makes me to stayed as warm as possible

so now, i felt like want to wrote a letter for my lovely black jacket

"dear jacket, i love u since first time i bought you. but know, i love u more than ever before. thank you so much for ur kindness to keep me stayed warm this morning. keep up the good work!"
xoxo :p


May 12, 2009

blogger newbie

heiho heihoo...
I'm a newbie here
this is my 1st post on blog
my 1st time to do this blogging thing.. :p
yeayy!!I'm so excited!hahaa
well, since its my 1st blogging, mungkin gw gak akan ngomong banyak juga
hehehe...'for now'
in my next posting...i will share anything
anything here means 'anything,everything'
fashion, movies, musics, life, experience, blah blah blah
but, i guess i'll share things bout fashion mostly, cause i love fashion as much as i love myself, duh

hmmhh...what else..that's all i wanna say i guess..
(ga penting ga penting)