morning class + boring class + drizzle + opened window next to you = sleeeeppppy

i woke up at 1 am, since i'm a procrastinator (hehee..) so i slept and get up earlier, then workin' on my taskS. at 6 am, i'm prepared myself to go to campus, did my daily ritual after shower (standing in front of my wardrobe thinking what to wear :p) which was bad sometimes if i woke up late, cause it takes more time to think sometimes

what to wear today: so, i finally pick out this outfit, my old black jacket, t-shirt, skinny jeans, with Nike classic sneakers and i'm wearing it with my New 'pink' necklace that i bought it from my friend
so then, i felt morning breeze with a morning smile . it was so fresh at first until it started to drizzle and i sat next to an opened window. the air was soooo breeezin'.SNAP!
i suddenly love my jacket. truly madly! cause it makes me to stayed as warm as possible
so now, i felt like want to wrote a letter for my lovely black jacket
"dear jacket, i love u since first time i bought you. but know, i love u more than ever before. thank you so much for ur kindness to keep me stayed warm this morning. keep up the good work!"
xoxo :p
xoxo :p
ReplyDeletethanks for watching my blog. :)
- Sebastian